
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

It's raining cheeseburgers!  CHEESEBURGERS! CHEESEBURGERS!

  But with meat, the cheeseburgers are less and less good.  That's my opinion of meat.

I'm doing this thing with my friend, Cole.  He's awesome.  You may not think he is, which is fine.  I think he's an awesome person because he does all this cool stuff with me, and he has a blog, vitagraph, american.  Queue de Grace is where someone chooses a list of movies and that's all you're going to watch, all week.  You don't have to watch them.  You can tell the person who picked them that you don't want to watch them, if they're too grown-up for you; or too kiddish, if you're grown up.  But,  if you have a blog or a Facebook, you can post how good you thought they were.

Back to the movie and what it's about. The main character is Flint Lockwood.  He is a so-called scientist.  He makes inventions that are mad, like him!  He makes a food invention.  It creates food if you put water in the top.  So, he shoots it up into the air (not on purpose), and then it creates a giant meatball!  With flying pizza! And evil gummi bears!  In the beginning, he has spray on shoes and everyone thinks he's a nerd.  I'm sorry to give it away, but the spray on shoes save him in the end.
All that matters is that darn policeman's son.  All that matters is if he's alive.  Or is he?  dun dun DUN!  The policeman wants to be a good dad, because it's his son and it's his only son.  He asks Flint to do something on his birthday, especially for him. 

A Giant Jello Castle!  yah yah yah, blah blah blah romance KISS blah blah blah.
The mayor is going to get so fat that he's going to crush the town, sink all of the boats, all of that.

Well, in real life, if I had a giant doughnut crush me, that'd be kind of painful, but if it was raining ice cream, that'd be pretty cool.  I would go outside if it was raining ice cream.  And I'm pretty sure I'd run for my fucking life if I was being chased by a giant doughnut.  I mean, isn't that what humans do when something is going to crush them?


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