
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry Christmas? I Don't Have Anything To Be Merry About.

First of all, when kids are little, their parents tell them about Santa.  But really?  Their parents ARE the Santa.  And when the kids grow up and find out, it really makes them mad, because, they already know about it and their parents lied to them.  And another thing: Their parents told them if anyone lies on their block, just tell them.  But then kids are wondering who they should go to because their parents lied.  Well, it's obvious.  Just don't trust your parents.  Why did you trust them in the first place?  I mean, seriously... god.



  1. Does anyone in your house believe in santa?

    I have a fourth grader at my school that really really really believes in santa.... to the point that his teacher uses it to try and make him be good - which really stresses him out. Should i tell him the truth of the matter?

    last question.... if it isn't santa who still fills my stocking every year.... who is it?

  2. All of us in my house don't believe in Santa. You are the one filling your stocking. And yes, you should tell him the truth.
